healthy forests

Many Federally Recognized Tribal Nations in State Oppose I-2117

Many Federally Recognized Tribal Nations in State Oppose I-2117

To date, 17 Tribal Nations in Washington state have endorsed the No on 2117 campaign because of the devastating impacts the initiative would have on air, water, salmon, and transportation.

150 150 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
Spanish-Language Ad Highlights I-2117 Harm to Families

Spanish-Language Ad Highlights I-2117 Harm to Families

No on 2117 is airing a Spanish-language ad highlighting the impacts of I-2117 on families, including cuts to transportation that would worsen traffic and allowing more pollution that threatens health…

150 150 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
Anuncio en español “Familias Seguras” destaca el daño de la I-2117 a las familias

Anuncio en español “Familias Seguras” destaca el daño de la I-2117 a las familias

La campaña No al 2117 estátransmitiendo un anuncio en español que resalta los impactos del I-2117 en lasfamilias, incluyendo recortes en transporte que empeorarían el tráfico ypermitirían más contaminación, amenazando así la salud pública…

150 150 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
Experts, Parents, Leaders Warn I-2117 Would Allow More Pollution

Experts, Parents, Leaders Warn I-2117 Would Allow More Pollution

Health Experts, Parents, Community Leaders Warn Initiative 2117 Would Allow More Pollution by Rolling Back Most Consequential Washington State Clean Air Program in Decades…

150 150 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
Misleading I-2117 Threaten State’s Lakes, Rivers, and Streams

Misleading I-2117 Threaten State’s Lakes, Rivers, and Streams

 As Washington Faces Drought Emergency and Historically-Low Watershed Runoff, Misleading I-2117 Would Threaten State’s Lakes, Rivers, and Streams I-2117 Would Exacerbate Droughts, Make Drinking Water Sources Less Safe, Devastate Outdoor…

150 150 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
I-2117 Makes Forests and Communities More Vulnerable to Wildfires

I-2117 Makes Forests and Communities More Vulnerable to Wildfires

I-2117 would cut nearly $30 million in funding for programs across the state that help make our communities less vulnerable to catastrophic wildfires.

2027 1520 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
Misleading Initiative 2117 Means More Pollution and Traffic

Misleading Initiative 2117 Means More Pollution and Traffic

I-2117 is a purposely misleading, poorly written initiative opposed by firefighters, small businesses, doctors, and Tribal Nations because it will endanger our health and safety and devastate our transportation system…

900 675 Vote NO on Initiative 2117

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NOTE: Not for organization endorsements. To officially endorse NO on 2117 on behalf of an organization, please close this pane and click the “Pledge as an Organization” button.

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NOTE: Not for individual endorsements. To Pledge to Vote NO on 2117 as an individual, please close this pane and click the “Pledge as an Individual” button.