Skokomish Indian Tribe

Many Federally Recognized Tribal Nations in State Oppose I-2117

Many Federally Recognized Tribal Nations in State Oppose I-2117

To date, 17 Tribal Nations in Washington state have endorsed the No on 2117 campaign because of the devastating impacts the initiative would have on air, water, salmon, and transportation.

150 150 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
Coalition to Defeat I-2117 Grows to Over 500 Organizations

Coalition to Defeat I-2117 Grows to Over 500 Organizations

the campaign to defeat Initiative 2117, today announced that its unprecedented statewide coalition of firefighters, small businesses, Tribal Nations, health care professionals, labor unions, and environmental groups has grown to over 500 organizations.

150 150 Vote NO on Initiative 2117

Pledge to Vote NO as an Individual

NOTE: Not for organization endorsements. To officially endorse NO on 2117 on behalf of an organization, please close this pane and click the “Pledge as an Organization” button.

Pledge to Vote NO as an Organization

NOTE: Not for individual endorsements. To Pledge to Vote NO on 2117 as an individual, please close this pane and click the “Pledge as an Individual” button.