I-2117 would slash funding for our state’s transportation plan. That could put road projects at risk of delay or cancellation, reduce public transit service, cut funding for new ferries, and make traffic worse.
Major Road Infrastructure Projects:
I-2117 would rip more than $5.4B from theMove Ahead Washington transportation plan. The entire Move Ahead Washington plan, includes funding to replace the I-5 Bridge over the Columbia River; finish theNorth Spokane Corridor freeway; finish the 520 Bridge; and the Gateway freight project connecting 509 and 167 to our ports in Pierce County and King County to help move freight and reduce congestion.
Safe Routes to Schools:
I-2117 would cut funding for the Safe Routes to Schools program, which supports projects that improve safety and mobility within twomiles of primary, middle and high schools (K-12) – like crosswalks, and signage near schools and playgrounds.
Walking, Biking, and Trail Projects:
I-2117 would reduce funding for walking, biking, and trail projects across the state.
Public Transit – Including Free Transit for Youth Across the State:
This includesTribal transit grants, as well as funds to help seniors and people with disabilities safely reach their destinations. It would also end funding for the program that provides people under 18 with free transit passes across the state.
Funding for New Ferries:
I-2117 would remove funding for one-quarter of each new ferry purchase as the state works to replace our aging fleet. I-2117 would also remove100% of the shore power project funding for the new hybrid electric ferries. This would create additional pressures on our overall transportation budget plan.
Ferry image: © 2015 Washington DOT/Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0