Protect Our Air and Water, Forests and Farmland, Jobs and Transportation Investments.

Vote NO on Initiative 2117.

We can’t afford it.

Protect Our Air and Water, Forests and Farmland, Jobs and Transportation Investments.

Vote NO on Initiative 2117.

We can’t afford it.

The Costs of Initiative 2117

I-2117 would roll back protections for our air, water, forests, farmlands, jobs, and transportation system.

I-2117 would roll back protections for our air and water, forests and farmlands, and jobs and transportation investments.

I-2117 would allow more toxic air pollution, and mean more kids and adults with asthma and illness in Washington.

I-2117 would allow more toxic air pollution, make our drinking water less safe, and mean more kids and adults with asthma and illness in Washington.
I-2117 would put transit service, ferries, and road projects across Washington at risk by punching a major hole in our state’s already strained transportation budget.

I-2117 would put transit service, ferries, and road projects across Washington at risk by punching a major hole in our state’s already strained transportation budget.

Instead of a fee on pollution being paid by a few, I-2117 would shift the burden of paying for the impacts of pollution back onto communities, workers, and families.

Instead of a fee on pollution being paid by a few, I-2117 would shift the burden of paying for the impacts of pollution back onto communities, workers, and families.

Pledge to Vote NO as an Individual

NOTE: Not for organization endorsements. To officially endorse NO on 2117 on behalf of an organization, please close this pane and click the “Pledge as an Organization” button.

Pledge to Vote NO as an Organization

NOTE: Not for individual endorsements. To Pledge to Vote NO on 2117 as an individual, please close this pane and click the “Pledge as an Individual” button.