I-2117 Would Gut Investment in Fish Habitat and Salmon Recovery

The Costs of I-2117 to Healthy Fish Habitat in Washington

I-2117 Would Gut Investment in Fish Habitat and Salmon Recovery

I-2117 would cut vital public programs that protect and restore endangered fish habitat across Washington state.

These cuts would harm our natural ecosystem and salmon recovery, slow our economy, and limit recreational opportunities for Washingtonians.

Cuts to Healthy Salmon Stream Programs:

I-2117 would end $11 million in funding for our state’s Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, which provides financial incentives to farmers who agree to plant native vegetation along streams where salmon spawn. This vegetation acts asa buffer, helping to keep the water clean and at a temperature that is ideal for salmon.

Cuts to Fish Barrier Removal Programs:

I-2117 would eliminate almost$7.8 million in funding for our state’s Family Forest Fish PassageProgram. This program is focused on removing obstacles like dams and culverts that prevent fish from moving freely through their habitats. This is particularly important for salmon, who need to be able to return to their spawning grounds. The end of this program would hurt salmon populations and lead to a loss of genetic diversity. I-2117 also threatens over $216 million in future funding allocations for the Brian Abbott FishBarrier Removal Board. This program works to remove barriers impeding the migration of salmon and steelhead.

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