
The Costs of I-2117 to Washington’s Overburdened Communities

The Costs of I-2117 to Washington’s Overburdened Communities

I-2117 would cut an estimated $1 billion in funding for environmental justice and addressing health inequities, allow more air pollution, and roll back efforts to protect communities.

1920 1280 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
I-2117 Hurts Workers, Their Families, Communities, & Our Economy

I-2117 Hurts Workers, Their Families, Communities, & Our Economy

I-2117 would mean more pollution and cut investments in clean air and water, forests and farmland, jobs, and transportation across Washington state — imposing steep costs on workers, their families, communities, and our state’s economy.

2560 1707 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
What Are the Costs of I-2117 to Tribal Nations and Communities?

What Are the Costs of I-2117 to Tribal Nations and Communities?

I-2117 would cut investments in clean air and water, forests and farmlands, jobs, and transportation infrastructure across Washington state. It would also eliminate critical project funding and shift the full burden of additional pollution to Tribal Nations and overburdened communities…

2048 1365 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
I-2117 Makes Forests and Communities More Vulnerable to Wildfires

I-2117 Makes Forests and Communities More Vulnerable to Wildfires

I-2117 would cut nearly $30 million in funding for programs across the state that help make our communities less vulnerable to catastrophic wildfires.

2027 1520 Vote NO on Initiative 2117

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NOTE: Not for individual endorsements. To Pledge to Vote NO on 2117 as an individual, please close this pane and click the “Pledge as an Individual” button.