Over 400 Organizations and Tribal Nations Now Oppose I-2117

News about Washington State Initiative 2117

Over 400 Organizations and Tribal Nations Now Oppose I-2117; No on 2117 Campaign Launches Summer Weekends of Action and Reaches 17,000 Voters in First Weekend

August 19, 2024 – No on 2117 (no2117.com), the campaign to defeat Initiative 2117, today announced that its unprecedented statewide coalition of firefighters, small businesses, Tribal Nations, doctors and public health leaders, labor unions, and environmental groups has grown to over 400 members. Since its public launch in April 2024, the coalition has grown from over 100 to over 400 organizations and Tribal Nations who oppose I-2117 and the more pollution and traffic it would mean for Washington state.

Organizations recently endorsing No on 2117 include: Central Washington Building & Construction Trades; Columbia Riverkeeper; Living Well Kent, a nonprofit wellness hub for King County residents; Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe; Cement Masons & Plasterers Local Local 528; Seattle Parks Foundation; Swinomish Indian Tribal Community; Taylor Shellfish; Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington State Nurses Association. The full list of organizations endorsing No on 2117 is available here.

No on 2117 continues to grow its organizing power across Washington state with summer Weekends of Action. Over the first weekend, the campaign organized more than 300 volunteer shifts and reached an estimated 17,000 voters across Washington state to sound the alarm about the harms of Initiative 2117. To-date, No on 2117 has conducted direct voter outreach in 37 Washington cities.

A young, super volunteer helps distribute No on 2117 materials in Bellingham.

Volunteers and No on 2117 campaign team members reach voters in Olympia.

Volunteers and No on 2117 campaign team members reach voters in Olympia.

Volunteers help reach voters at a community event in Redmond.

Volunteers help reach voters at a community event in Redmond.

Volunteers preparing for voter engagement in Spokane.

Volunteers and No on 2117 campaign team members reach voters in Olympia.

“We are building an unprecedented coalition and grassroots movement to defeat I-2117. Alongside our 400 coalition partners, we’re launching a massive statewide grassroots organizing effort to defeat the purposely misleading Initiative 2117, which is opposed by firefighters, small business owners, doctors, Tribal Nations and more because it would threaten our health, and make traffic worse,” said Wellesley Daniels, Campaign Manager, No on 2117.

I-2117 would devastate Washington’s transportation and infrastructure programs by taking away billions in funding, jeopardizing efforts to fix roads and bridges and reduce traffic congestion. It would threaten our clean water, mean more toxic air pollution and wildfires, and result in more kids and adults with asthma and illness.

By The Numbers: The Campaign to Defeat 2117
  • Over 400: Number of Washington organizations endorsing No on 2117
  • Over 850: Number of volunteers working across Washington to defeat I-2117
  • Over $12.9M: Amount raised or pledged to defeat I-2117
  • Over 4,600: Number of grassroots donations to No on 2117
  • 94: Percent of No on 2117 donors contributing $100 or less
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