
The Costs of I-2117 to Washington’s Overburdened Communities

The Costs of I-2117 to Washington’s Overburdened Communities

I-2117 would cut an estimated $1 billion in funding for environmental justice and addressing health inequities, allow more air pollution, and roll back efforts to protect communities.

1920 1280 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
Experts, Parents, Leaders Warn I-2117 Would Allow More Pollution

Experts, Parents, Leaders Warn I-2117 Would Allow More Pollution

Health Experts, Parents, Community Leaders Warn Initiative 2117 Would Allow More Pollution by Rolling Back Most Consequential Washington State Clean Air Program in Decades…

150 150 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
The Impacts of I-2117 on Pollution & Air Quality in Washington

The Impacts of I-2117 on Pollution & Air Quality in Washington

I-2117 would devastate funding for programs that reduce toxic air, expand our state’s air quality monitoring network, modernize school buildings, prevent wildfires, support clean transportation options, and reduce health disparities in communities most impacted by pollution.

1920 1280 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
Misleading Initiative 2117 Means More Pollution and Traffic

Misleading Initiative 2117 Means More Pollution and Traffic

I-2117 is a purposely misleading, poorly written initiative opposed by firefighters, small businesses, doctors, and Tribal Nations because it will endanger our health and safety and devastate our transportation system…

900 675 Vote NO on Initiative 2117

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NOTE: Not for individual endorsements. To Pledge to Vote NO on 2117 as an individual, please close this pane and click the “Pledge as an Individual” button.