Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce

Labor, Youth and Family, and Transit Leaders Denounce I-2117

Labor, Youth and Family, and Transit Leaders Denounce I-2117

Labor, Youth and Family, and Transit Leaders Denounce I-2117, Which Would Slash $5.4 Billion from Vital Transportation Infrastructure Projects Cuts Include $290 Million to Safe Routes to School Program, Which…

150 150 Vote NO on Initiative 2117
I-2117 Would Cost Washington 45,000 Jobs, Cost Economy $9 Billion

I-2117 Would Cost Washington 45,000 Jobs, Cost Economy $9 Billion

Washington State’s building and construction trades jobs and transportation jobs would be most at risk by Initiative 2117…

150 150 Vote NO on Initiative 2117

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NOTE: Not for individual endorsements. To Pledge to Vote NO on 2117 as an individual, please close this pane and click the “Pledge as an Individual” button.