Misleading Initiative 2117 Means More Pollution and Traffic

On Mt Baker, under white clouds and blue sky during daytime.

Misleading Initiative 2117 Means More Pollution and Traffic

I-2117 is a purposely misleading, poorly written initiative opposed by firefighters, small businesses, doctors, and Tribal Nations because it will endanger our health and safety and devastate our transportation system.

I-2117 is a threat to our air, land and water — putting our health at risk and resulting in more adults and kids suffering with asthma and illness.

I-2117 would jeopardize vital protections for our waterways, mean more toxic pollution in the air we breathe, gut programs that protect our communities from wildfires, and eliminate efforts to support salmon recovery and fish habitat.

I-2117 threatens the safe, reliable functioning of our entire transportation system.

It would cut one-third of funding for our state’s already stretched transportation plan, making traffic congestion worse and commutes even longer. These drastic cuts would impact every corner of our state, putting major road and bridge projects in danger of severe delays or outright cancellation. It also cuts funding to restore a ferry system already in crisis and would drastically slash transit service.

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