I-2117 Makes Forests and Communities More Vulnerable to Wildfires

The Summit Trail Fire burned through dense fuels in Washington.

I-2117 Makes Forests and Communities More Vulnerable to Wildfires

I-2117 would cut nearly $30 million in funding for programs across the state that help make our communities less vulnerable to catastrophic wildfires.

Forest Health & Fuels Reduction:

I-2117 would cut funding for several statewide programs that reduce severe wildfire risk. This includes $2 million for a WashingtonDepartment of Fish and Wildlife program helping to reduce the severity of wildfire by removing dead and downed brush and vegetation on the forest floor through controlled burning and thinning out overgrown forests to make them healthier. Italso includes $10 million in funding for a Washington Department of NaturalResources program to restore forestlands that have the greatest potential to prevent wildfires and protect air quality through the same kinds of activities.

Firewise Grants for Local Governments & Private Landowners:

I-2117 would cut$10 million in grants through the Firewise USA program, which encourages local communities and landowners to prepare for wildfire and implement resilience measures in high-risk areas, providing resources and education for homeowners totake steps like removing brush on their property that could put their home at higher risk.

Training & Workforce Development for Managing Wildland Fires:

I-2117 would end over $2 million in funding to build out the workforce we need to maintain and restore healthy forests and manage extreme wildfires. This includes a program that provides wildland fire management training to Tribal communities and members, as well as a Department of Natural Resources program to educate and train a statewide workforce to support the health and resilience of Washington’s forests.

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